Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Deadlines and Downpayments

I sent out an email this weekend regarding how and what of the letter of commitment and the down payment, but I have had frequent problems with my school email address this year and worry that not everyone received the email.
I would like it if you could stop by after 4:15 either today or tomorrow (Tuesday or Wednesday) to sign a new copy of the letter of commitment. It is basically the same, but has a few minor changes.
I would also like an email with your child's name and birthdate so that I can make plane reservations. Once the reservations are made, I will send you the reservation number and you can pay the travel agency directly as your deposit on the trip (that way you will get a plane ticket out of the deal). When you come in, I will give you more information about the next steps in getting ready for the trip.